38. (i) Vujra rishava närärchu sam
hanana karmą—is the set of actioncurrents which determines bonny joints of the strongest characters. In this kind of joints, the bones are not merely joined together by mutual interpenetration but there is a bony projection (vajra) along the joints with a cover upon it, making these immoveable ; such being the case
these joints are not easy of dislocation. 39. (ii) Rishava nårâcha samhanuna
karma—means the set of actioncurrents determining the skeletal joints by mere interpenitration and without a vajra as in the ball and
the socket joint of the hip. 40. (iii) Nårâch samhanana kurna --denotes
set of action-currents determining the skeletal joints in the same manner as in the previous one but
without any tissue cover. 41. (iv) Ardha nåråcha samhanana karma
-is the set of action-currents which determines the character of the joint at one end of the bone in the manner