substance and not more so or less in one
part than in another. Such being the the matter of characteristic indications of Protoplasm, the
physical basis, nay, the very matter of life, (for the inconceivably fine albuminous granules called germ plasms form the constituent elements of protoplasm), what is it that makes this homogeneous lump of matter pass into different forms of heterogeneity as manifest in the differentiation and transfiguration not only into the different forms of species—jåti of organic beings vegetable or animal, peopling the different abodes (gati) of Sansår, but what is it that makes the cell which is but a structural unit of living being or to take the case of the human ovum which is but a typical cell, what makes it differentiate in the manner so that some of these differentiated parts combine into the tissues, some transform into skeletals, other evolves muscles, the third nerves, and the fourth, the organs of sense and the fifth the organs of action and the like which all compose the gross material system or the Oudàrika sarira of the man ?