concrete instance
may be derived ; but with it comes his responsibility as also similarly derived. To Responillustrate by a concrete instance, the king Naturalism. delegates his certain powers to the minister for the administration of a certain province. But is not the minister responsible for uses and abuses of the power he derived from the king The Jain view of the point in question is that in the commitment of a murder by a servant at the uncompromising order of his master in whose hand he is but a tool, not only the master alone but the servant also is liable to receive punishment. And this view of liability as involved in responsibility holds good even in matters of evolution through cosmic process. Failures of the organisms in the right adaptation to the environment cause them to be weak and supplanted by other organisms who have been successful in their adaptations. Therefore the organisms who thus become weak and go to the walls, are responsible for their movements and activities in their own spheres of life and struggle, environment being common to them all.