accomplish the end he has in his view. And he is free to determine and select
Works with the one or the other of the alternatives that an end in would suit him best. When we ponder over the ways and manners in which a man thinks and acts, we find that his thoughts and activities in the different spheres of life consist in the conscious acceptance of one thing and a similar rejection of another. Of the different alternative means, we freely adopt that course of procedure which we think to be most conducive to the realization of our end, and reject others as being detrimental to the end. We do not live only for the satisfaction of the lower instincts and multiplication of species. We live for progress, for peace and happiness. The highest end of mankind is to live, move and have its being in peace and happiness. No doubt every one desires to live long and to live well also ; but what to live for, if it be not for the enjoyment of autonomy, of peace and bliss ? Whatever might be the nature and constitution of this Summum Bonum ; however we may define it, it is ultimately for this end that