grip of the great law of karma-causality which has been working out from times without beginning.
Admitting the truth and validity of Liquidation Karma-causality, however, in a more or
less general way, some suggest that a man will be judged by his actions and be punished and rewarded for these. But this implies evidently that as if there is a judge human or divine, as they hold, who may be prejudiced or partially informed or might be lenient in the administration of Justice in the case of one and strict and uncompromising in the case of another.
Again, to escape from the undesirable consequences of our thoughts and actions, some interprete that by doing a wrong, the man simply incurs a debt and that this debt can well be paid off by the sinner himself or by some one else for, and on his behalf. The interpretation of the law of Karma in this wise has created a much confusion of thought and anomalies in the performances of religious and social rites. The Srådh ceremony of the Hindus consisting in the offerings of pindas on the death of the father is one amongst