mined by antecedent conditions, why may not the same thing be true in the sphere of our volition.
In reply to this we say that "against the Our self is a evidence offered for Determinism, there is to be set the immediate affirmation of consciousness in the moment of deliberate action." And a psychologist must accept as elementary "what introspection carefully performed declares to be so".
Moreover, as metaphysics points out, the primary idea of causality is derived from the efficiency of the will itself and a secondary account of causality as is found in nature should never be applied to the interpretation of human volition.
(2) When we fix our attention on human action we observe that a portion of it is originated by subconscious influences and the same thing may be true of our volition, specially when there is no sharp line of demarcation between such acts and volition and when the gradual transformation from one to the other is an undeniable fact.
Against this we may point out that it overlooks the fundamental characterestic of
is to
confined the region of conscious