mutually and
back to and determined by our inner nature stands on the same level as other pheno
The Outer mena occuring in Nature. But these states and the Inner of changes become the source of interest for partly deter
other. us as soon as as they are viewed as experiences of the karman body (IT PT) itself. So our inner experience or the experience of the kårman body is not only the outer experience merely condensed and materialised, but it is something more.
It is not another kind of experience to be set by the side of the outer experience, but one which includes the latter and goes beyond it. It is the outer experience itself focussed and referred to and determined by our inner-nature. Hence it follows that they are not two distinct worlds of experience, but ultimately the same, with this distiction only that one is devoid of every subjective reference while the other is not.
Hence (1) if the operation or the activity of the ouddrika body ( heifta 71777, ) when not referred to and deterinined by the inner nature, standing on the sanie level as other phenomena of Nature, becomes morally blank, and assume moral quality, only on their refer