philosophers also hold that the death of a living being means the departure from the same of a subtle body technically called, Linga-deha or Sukshma sarira.
The Hindu sages have thought it wise to analyse an organism into five sheaths or
koshas. The first is the Annamaya kosh, and the five (ii) Prånamaya kosh, (iii) Monomaya kosh, the Hindus. (iv) Vignanamaya kosh and lastly (v) Anand
maya kosh. It is in the centre of the Anandamaya kosh or the innermost sheath that the soul is stated to reside--the outermost being the gross nutritious vesture or sheath called the Annamaya. Excluding the out-ermost one, the Annamaya—the other four, one coming consecutively within another like concentric circles taken together, constitute the Linga or Sukshmasarira or subtle organism of the Jiva. The Hindus further hold that this subtle body consists of chitta or the mind-stuff with the organs of sense and actions there held together by the energy called Prån playing through the medium of the organism. According to the functional activities this Prån is further analysed into