itsparent type.
another name for 'Necessity' that operates irresistibly.
The seed fructifies, as is often observ
ed, but yet it may not sprout forth into a tree of the seed into a tree of indentical with the parent one and bearing
leaves and flowers and fruits or seeds of the same size, taste, colour, beauty and grandeur of the tree whereof the seed was born. And why ? Surely these are the effects of karma of the seed in one or the other periods or stages of its existence and it is due to this very karma even done in some time past, that the seed has come to be a seed of this and not of another organism.
To enter a bit more into details as to the causality of karma in bringing about the phenominal diversities and differences, the existence of various kinds of vegetable organisms all around us, is undeniable. In the organic world, it is but a truism to say that the like produces the like. The mangoe seed will develop into a mangoe tree and to nothing else. So with the other kinds of seeds. Now in the processes of metabolism every living organism grows and undergoes through the adjusting and regulating influ