it is worth while to enquire as to how the Self-same Reality Who is absolute Existence, Simple without a second to stand by It, Who is of the nature of True Knowledge and Delight Infinite, comes to admit in Itself what It is not? All-delight being necessarily Allgood and All-love, how can evil and hateful standing in hard opposition to love and goodness and being, therefore, but a visible negation of All-delight, be said to exist in what is All-delight? How could the Absolute, in short, enter into the meshes of Relativity of subject and object?
Thus the inexorable law of Karma being irreconciliable with a Supremely Moral and Personal Deity, the pantheistic origin of the cosmos being found to involve graver ethical difficulties, the pan-entheistic conception of the Universe being concived to stop short in explaining the riddle of the Absolute entering into the meshes of Relativity, we decline to agree in the Divine dispensation and intervention in the affairs of the world, we deny the very existence of any free and all-governing personal God; for all personality we hold to be but
a creation
Law of Karma and
God cannot go together.