the effect. Of these two terms the second
is the phenomenon of changes, the first
The principle
of causation being what brings about the change i.e.
so stretched
as to posit the cause. The cause as we have dis
God behind.
cussed above is divided into two kinds-the Determining and the Substantial. We have invariably seen that in every act of causation these two co-operate together to bring about a change, a phenomenon, an effect. And it having been held that every change must have an antecedent cause, seems naturally to follow that the universe itself being but an eternal process of becoming, mutability being its very nature, it must have a cause antecedent to its becoming as such; and thus in their zealous attempt at the ascertainment as to the nature of this antecedent condition some have unfortunately stretched this principle of causation to such an extent as to reach its breaking point. They have gone so far as to posit a God, an extra-cosmic Personal Ruler of the Universe, creating, regulating and controlling the changes and affairs of the Universe from without just as a potter would do with regard to the manufacturing