simply state a fact. It is an attempt to Scientific exa explain X by Y both of which are unknown quantities. It does not clear up the mystery that underlies the real question at issue. The question is : Whence is the difference? Every other condition being the same, what is it that leads to the difference in the combination of the component parts forming the conposition of the two compounds ? Modern science is quite out at sea here and her helm of Reason is lost. She can explain how things happen but gets hopelessly comfounded and confused to answer why they do so. And unless this Why' is cleared up. we cannot expect to get at the reason that lies behind the differences in the world - phenomena.
The reason why modern science cannot answer the point in question, lies simply in pinciples of
Causation. the fact that she takes only a partial view of things and does not look straight to the two principles of Causation. We have stated that the Universe is a system of interrelated parts and the parts, as such, are conditioned. But things conditioned, it is a truism to say, are but products, effects of something