Admitting in it change which is but a property of time, it is above time, whereas all developement is in time. Itself being purely absolute, it really enters into no relation either with Prakriti, the Evolvent or with its subsequent variations-Vikriti.
Now, of the above series of evolvent and evolutes, the Mahat, the Ahankar and the Manas constitute what is called Antahkaran or the Internal Organ, the External organs, Bahihkaran, being the five organs of sense (af) viz., the ear, the skin, the eyes, the tongue, the nose plus the five organs of action (f) viz. speech, hand, feet, and the organs of excretion and of generation.
But the question is, what is Mahat-the first offspring of the Root-evolvent or Prakriti and first item as well of the Internal Organ or Antahkaran?
The word Mahat has for its synonym Buddhi-Intellect. Intellection ( अध्यवसाय ) is the function () of the Intellect. But intellection is a kind of intellectual activity of determinate character and activity being identical with what is active, intellection
OrgansInternal and
(1) The Mahat