Prakriti in which any one of the several forces Satva, Rajas and Tamas, standing to one another in relation of equality, exactly nutralizes the effects of the other two and into which in consequence the whole universe of diverse names and forms dissolves at the end of the previous cycle,— is unstable in the sense that when the season, for the fruition of the seeds of sown by way of Jivas' deeds done in the previous period of their existence, arises, the equilibrium receives an impact as it were and gets disturbed. By this disturbance of the equilibrium of forces, the Sankhyas mean that the state in which some one force (or forces-Satva, Rajas and Tamas) predominates over the other in intensity and produces with the help of the others its own effects though modified to some extent by the presence of those which help in the production.
Equlib rium and Distur
bance of
This is how from a single ultimate and un. differentiated homogeneous Cause-Muld Prakriti or the Root-evolvent comes to being the Universe with all its amazing para