(a) Universally Co-existent; (6) Universally Inter-dependent, (c) Universally Inter-mutative and lastly (d) Universally Inter-antagonistic. Thus,—
(a) They are Universally Co-existent, because the existence of one of the gunas requires the existence of the other two as necessary accompaniments.
(6) But from the fact that they are Universally co-existent and concommittant as they are equally fundamental, it follows that they stand to one another in relation of mutual inter-dependence so that none of them can have any functional activity of its own without the co-operation of the other two. Again,
(c) The gunas being thus mutually dependent upon one another, they are also inter-mutative so that just as heat is convertible into electricity so anyone of the gunas may become converted into one or the other of the remaining two gunas. And lastly,
(d) These gunas stand to one another in relation as well of Universal inter-antagonism. Though these are always present as