(lit: half-descendants) has been used in the text. The text says further that the sevenfold principles are the germinal sperms or seeds, so to speak, for the evolution of the whole universe and are contained in a portion of the Omnipresent Deity- Vishnu for which reason the phrase afen faufáfu i.e. in a portion, we find in the text.
Now Purush or the Psyché being
entirely and absolutely indifferent, very Psyché or Purusk.
little has it left with us at the present stage of enquiry to deal with. We shall therefore concern ourselves with Prakriti or Nature for the present.
PRAKRITI. By Prakriti, Kapil wants us to underr stand the equipoise state which the three cor
relative powers or qualities have arrived at. Any differentiation being impossible in the Prakriti which is no other than the gunas in equilibrium, Prakriti is also technically termed as the Avyakta (am)--the Undifferentiated or the Imperceptible. GUNAS-THE CONSTITUENT OF PRAKRITI
The three gunas, however, which in their equilibrium constitute Prakriti or the