Sankhyas principles of Evolution-Traceable in the Rigveda-Purush' and 'Prakriti-The Three Gunus' in their Equilibrium form 'Prakriti' or the Root Evolvent-Prakriti' is the first Category—The Three other Categories -- Inconsistency of the Sankhya Hypothesis.
Spencer's formulation of the principles of the Evolution, however, strongly reminds us Spencer and
Kapil. of the Sankhya Philosophy as propounded by the sage Kapil in India. And there is no denying that in comparison with the Spencerian theory, Kapila's doctrine is by far more consistent and logical. According to this doctrine, the world is really a world of experience—the experience of the individual Purush or Psyché (as in the system of Fichte) caught in the snares spread out by the bewitching Prakriti evolving the twentyfour categories whereof the world system is composed for the enjoyment and beatitude of the individual Self. Thus according to Kapil, the ultimate realities are primarily two in number--Purush and Prakriti.