a breakdown
cause or at most an endless series of such causes. But if because the mind cannot
To posita rest in such infinity you try to stop short
God is to
acknowledge the infinite regress and assert at any point
of the arguof it a cause which is not an effect, which is its own cause, infinite and unconditioned, the conclusion in this case would be purely arbitrary. To assert the existence of such a Being as the Creator of the world is simply to concea! under a phrase the breakdown of the argument.
Again the argument does not prove that which it claims to prove, for such a Being impossibi
lity of God is related to the world as cause is a's the
creator of to an effect. But the cause is as much the world. conditioned by effect as effect is by the cause. So in this case also the supposed Being would not be Absolute as this argument tries to prove.
Again another difficulty presents us if we dive deep into the question. How can we conceive God before any such creation ? Why was He so long inactive ? What led Him to create this Universe at a certain point of time after such a long period of inactivity ? In short innumerable difficulties