we do justice at once to their distinction and their relation, to their independence and their essential and vital connection? The two-Subject and Object-are the Each of them presupposes
Subject and Objecteach presup
posing the extreme terms.
other cannot
be the pro- the other and therefore can neither be regard
duct of the either.
ed as producing the other. Hence we are compelled to think of them both as rooted in a higher principle or to put it otherwise in the idea of an Absolute Unity which transcends all opposition of the finitude and specially the last opposition which includes all others. Hence we cannot understand the real nature of the universe unless we take it in the light of a unified system, whose constituent elements are necessarily related in the way above described.
So long we have been dealing with
Contingency the nature of the universe, depicting the
of the world.
relation which exists between different factors of the world. But if we consider the question more fully we cannot get rid of one idea-the idea of contingency of the world. The contingent world exists or the world of our immediate experience is contingent,