Bhavanas, Twenty-six Parishahas and Five Charitras,
Nirjara or Dissipation. Nirjara— Its Definition Classification of Nirjara into Sakâma and Akâma-The Mumukshin strives for Sakama Nirjara to ex. pediate Liberation-Phases and Transformations of Karma-Means and Methods of Sakáma Nirjara–The Primary Condition of Nirjara is Austerity-Austerity burns up the Karma seeds and sets the Jiva Free-Forms of Austerities and Dhyanas which burn up the seeds of Karma before their due times.
584—603. CHAPTER XXV.
Moksha or Emancipation.. Moksha or Emancipation - Moksha is the Highest Govd – Concep:ions of the Highest Gond according to the Different Schools of Philosophy ... Moksha is eternal and constitution) with the S -It cannot be worked out by Barn For Moksha is not the Product of anyaingi