butes cannot
Examination of Shankar's animadversion and his position -- Further discussion of the Principle of Syadvad and the Law of contradiction-Thought in not simply a distinction--It is a relation as wellReply to Shankar point by point.
Such is the criticism which Shankar makes taking his stand on the Sutra “Not; of Shăukar's
The ground because of the impossibility in one."
-"ofaa wala") of the Vedanta Sutras by Vyasa. Or in other words, 'it is impossi
Contra dicble': remarks Shankar, 'that contradictory tory attri: attributes such as being and non-being coexist in should at the same time belong to one and thing. the same thing. This is the long and short of his whole argument as urged for the rejection of the doctrine of Syddvåd which forms the metaphysical basis of our religion. And it is imperative, therefore, that we should examine the above animadversion as briefly as possible and see how far his reasonings reveal his real insight into the heart of things as well as how far is Shankar correct in his understanding and
the same