be found by abstraction as attempted by Realists
rise to con
abstraction or properly called substantialising
Unity cannot the abstraction which proceeds by elimination rather than by the harmonizing of differences. In philosophy, for instance, it and so gives gets hold of one of the indivisible elements fusion. and rejects the other equally necessary and important element and thus gives rise to all sorts of confusion and controversy hitherto known. Either it tries 10 evolve dogmatically all things out of the objective element and so produces a system of materialism or sensationalism (which is its own condemnation) or insisting with one-sidedness, the subjective element, and thus gives rise to pseudo idealism-a view which hardly can be cherished without giving up the most certain convictions of the mind.
The next question which comes upper most in the mind is ; how thought can Can thought be capable of grasping the reality in its true a higher
stand-point. essence in such wise that all its constituent elements shall be seen not as isolated nutions but as correlated members of an organic whole. In reply to the above, we may safely say that it can rise to a universality which is not foreign to, but the very inward nature of
reach to such