with ; thirdly, it is incapable of solving contradiction, or reconciling the seemingly antagonistic elements which, on close examination, all thought is found to contain.
Now when these draw-backs of the ordiHow it is
s nary or naive realistic method of reviewing the by a better
world are perceived and realised, men must Sapta. bhangi.
supplement it with a newer mode of cognition in order to look upon the world in a more rationalised and synthesised way and appre. hend the spiritual enities in their ideal form and which in turn gives rise to the famous Anekanta forms of cognition. This is the case everywhere and always; for philosophic speculation develops most when men, not content with the facts of experience, strive to get hold of their reasons and ultimately into their unconditioned reason i.e. their rationality or necessity. Thus we find that the ordinary way of looking at the Universe and its objects, or to term it better, as the naive realistic method, falls far short of the standard and is quite inadequate for the apprehension of that kind of Unity which belongs to spiritual things. For the method which regards everything as self-identical,