( viii ) CHAPTER XVIIT. The Karma Phenomenology. Constitutional Freedom and Divinity of the Soul — Karma' and Soul ---How could Soul get enfettered in the Chaitis of Karma' -Different Theories as to the Relation between Soul and Karma'--Law of Karma' and Re-birth-The Basis of the Tao EthicsHeredity can not explain differences between Organisms-Heredity and “Kar.
CHAPTER XIX. Churchianity, and the Law of Karma.
Christian Criticism of Karm.i'-'Empty Heart of Jainisin'—Examinition of the Criticism-Inconsistencies and Difficulties of the Christian Theology-God and Scan-Good and Evil -- The Indian Widows Christian unmarried Girls.
Belief in Re-birth Karma' and Re-birtis-Complimentary aspects of one and the Sune Lov governing the Universe--- Buddhistic V ilism ---all without an Eyo-Belief in the Luv brings in Solace -and Comfort in :0-s feles-Wide range of the belief in Asia and Europe