that with which the reason, Hetu (a) or the middle term is related and whose relation with the major term has got to be demonstrated. The major term stands for Sadhya or what is to be proved, while Hetu (Ba), Linga (fy) or Sadhan (A147) can be exchanged for the middle term or reason which cannot stand without being in relation with the Sådhya or the major term.
In language a sentence must have a Formulation subject and a predicate. In a proposition of Syllogism
(ufagl) which is but a form of sentence, the subject is the Paksha or the minor and the predicate is the Saddhya or the major term. To illustrate, let us take the proposition ;
(1) The hill (minor terni) is full of fire (major term).
(2) Since it is full of smoke (middle term).
(3) Whatever is full of smoke is full fire, just as the kitchen (example)
(4) So is this hill full of smoke (application)
(5) Therefore this hill is full of fire (conclusion).