present, the future and the distant etc. The Mimānsakas further admit that in the light of Āgama, man can know all things of the past, the present etc ; hence the Pramānī, called the Āgama, which is admitted by the Mimän. sakas themselves, is itself the second evidence with regard to the fact of capability of the Soul to know all things. The Jainas contend that It is a mistake to suppose that Omniscience through Pratyaksha or direct perception is impossible The Pratyaksha which we have depends on the co-operation of the Senses and the Mind, hence it can grasp only a small number of things and those, gross, consequently Omniscience is impossible in us The Pratyaksha, on the contrary, which the Sages have, does not depend on the Senses and the Mind, hence many a super-sensuous and minute things are seen by them There is nothing to disbelieve that all things would be manifest in the Pratyaksha or perception of that great Being, Arhat who has destroyed all the obstacles viz, the Karınas In the Rāmāyanã and other Purānás, it is stated that Vāınatēya used to see all the things within the range of many hundreds of yojanas, it is a matter of ordinary observation that vultures etc , can see things at a greater distance. Our Pratyaksha may be limited but