spring and other parts of the machinery of a watch and see how they work in a perfectly orderly manner, one cannot but come to the .conclusion that there is n Intelligent_Maker of the watch. Just, turn your eyes to the infinite expanse of space and see how the heavenly bodies are moving in their orbits with the minutest precision No collision, no disorder!' Consider again, the relics of the pre-historic earth, still extant in caves and subterranean' recesses Stratum after stratum,-with definité order in them' Through orderly stages, a hot incandescent mass is made the place of habitation of animals. Slow and orderly evolution,— Vegetable, Lower Animals and then Humanity' Whose workmanship is indicated in this flow of continuous evolution? What infinite intelligence again, is traceable in the co ordination of mutually varied organs and parts of an animal body The theistic thinkers point to such innumerable evidences of intelligence and conclude that there is an Intelligent Creator of the cosmos, that this Creator is God and that creation is an act of kindness on His part
In ancient India, essentially similar arguments were advanced for the proof of the existence of God The philosophers of the Nyaya school were theists. The Vaišĕshika thinkers