Fourth Chapter
Fine, one-sensed sub-humans are found everywhere in the Universe. Gross one-sensed are also in the whole Universe, but not everywhere like the fine one-sensed ones. The sub-humans from 2 to 5 sensed beings are only in the Mobile Channel (Trasa-nadi).
SUTRA 28 स्थितिरसुरनागसु पर्णद्वीपशेषारणा मागरोपमत्रिपल्योपमादहीनमिता ॥२८॥
Sthitirasura naga suparna dvipa seshanam sagropami tripalyo-pamarddha hina mitah.
The (maximum) age of: 9 Asura, measures
1 Sagara, am am Naga,
3 Palya Ternyata 890 Suparna, , less, (i, e, 2) os » ata Dvipa,
2 , and of the other (6 classes) 15
SUTRA 29 सौधर्मशानयोःसागरोपमेऽधिके ॥ २६ ॥ Saudharmai shanayoh sagaropame adhike.
In the Saudharma and Ishana (1 e, 1st and 2nd heavens, the maximum age is) a little over 2 Sagras,
SUTRA 30 सानत्कुमारमाहेन्द्रयोःसप्त ॥ ३०॥
Sanatkumara mahendrayoh sapta. In the Sanatkumar Mahendra, ( e 3rd and 4th heavens, the maximum age is a little over) 7 sagaras
त्रिसप्तनवैकादशत्रयोदशपञ्चदशभिरधिकानितु ॥ ३१ ॥ Tri sapta navajkadasha trayodasha panchadasha bhiradhikanitu.
And 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 added to (7 sagaras make up the maximum age of others.