Fourth Chapter
___SUTRA 21 गतिशरीरपरिग्रहाभिमानतोहीनाः ॥ २१ ॥ Gati sharira parigraha bhimanato hinah. Moving from place to place, height of body, attachment to world by objects, pride-these (go on) decreasing (as we go up to the higher heavens.) eg in 1 and 2
heavens, stature is 7 hands (cubits). 3 and 4 5and6,7and8 9 and 10, 11 and 12 13 and 14
, , 15and 16
, 3 , In the 1, 2, 3 वेयक, graveyaka stature is 21 hands. In the 4, 5, 6 ,
, 2 hands. In the 7, 8, 9 ,,
,11 hands. In the 9 अनुदिश. Anudesha
, , 11 hands. In the 5 अनुत्तरविमान, Anutra Vaman ,. 1 hand.
बिदाम : 1014188, स्व, सुन्दरी देवी
ज ___1325, चादनी चौक, देह । .. सम बेड
जेन सर्राफ की पुण्यस्मृति में
SUTRA 22 पीतपद्मशुक्ललेश्याद्वित्रिशेषेषु ॥ २२ ॥ Pita padma shukla leshya dvitri shesesu. (There are) पीत yellow, पभ prnk, and शुक्ल white, लेश्या lesya nge, (pairs, and the remaining (heavens).
Yellow (ata) in 1 and 2 heavens . e.. 2 pairs, Yellow-pink in 3 and 4 , Pink in 5 and 6, 7 and 8, and 9 and 10. Pink-white in 11 and 12 heavens. White in the rest of the heavens and higher regions.
SUTRA 23 प्राग्वेयकेभ्यः कल्पाः ॥ २३ ॥
Praggraiveyakebhyah kalpah. .. (The heavens) before (we reach). The Graiveyakas (are called) kalpas.
SUTRA 24 ब्रह्मलोकालयालोकान्तिकाः ॥ २४ ॥
Brahma lokalaya laukantikah. (Having) Brahma-loka (as) abode (are) Laukantikas. The Lauk