अध्याय चौथा CHAPTER IV
SUTRA 1 देवाश्चतुणिकाया ॥ १ ॥
Devashchaturni Kayah. Celestial beings (are of) four orders, groups or classes :
tant, Bhavana-vasi. Residential, wia, Vyantara, Peripatetic, pala, Jyotiska, Stellar da Varmanika, Heavenly.
SUTRA 2 पादितस्त्रिषु पीनान्तलेश्याः ॥ २ ॥
Aditastrisu pitanta lesyah. From the first to the third (have 4) lesyas or paints up to yellow,
1.e., u, Black, at, Indigo, fala, Grey and 414, Yellow,
दशाष्टपञ्चद्वादशविकल्पा: कल्पोपपन्नपर्यन्ताः ॥ ३ ॥ Dashasta pancha dvadasha vikalpah
kalpopapanna paryantah. wanatareil, Residential celestial beings are of 10 classes
fo, Peripatetic, water, Stellar , कल्पवामी, Heavenly
. 12 ,
Total , „ 35 Classes. (All these kinds are) born up to the Kalpa (the 16 heavens). Beyond that 16th heaven, they are all alıke : there are no classes. The Heavenly have 12 classes. because there are 12 Indras in 16 heavens.