Tatvartha Sutram
The ages in avasarpini, the present aeon are eagen, Sukhamasukhama, gan, Sukhama, gahigh, Sukhama-Duhkhama, seal, Dukhama-sukhama, gami. Dukhama, and songs, Dukhama-dukhama. We are now in the Dukhama or the 5th age (fahrt), this began in about 513 B.C., i. e., 3 years, 8 months after the liberation of Lord Mahavira, and its total duration is 21,000 years. The sequence of ages in the utsarpini is the reversing of the order of the Avasarpini and therefore the last 3 of the Utsarpini are ages of 104. Bhogabhumi, the rest are of tafa, Karma-bhumi,
Each aeons is of 10x(1 crorexl crore) an sagaras, In Avasarpını, the ages have their duration as follows
Ist=4 x (1 crore x 1 crore ) sagras. 2nd=3 3rd=2 4th=1
minus 42,000 years 5th=21,000 years. 6th=21,000 years. Altogether 10 x (1 crore x 1 crore) sagaras, I e TTF121*1219,
SUTRA 28 ताभ्यमपरा भूमयोऽवस्थिताः ॥ २८ ।।
Tabhyamapra bhumayo avasthita. Excepting these two (Bharata and Airavata), the other (five) Earths are constant (There is no increase or decrease in bliss, age, height etc, there)
SUTRA 29 एकद्वित्रिपल्योपमस्थितयो हैमवतकहारिवर्षकदैवकुरवका ॥ २६ ॥ Ek dvitripalyopamasthitayo haimyatakaharivarsak daivakurvakah.
(The men and animals) of Himvana, Harivarsak, Devakurnu, (bhoga-bhumi) are respectively of the one, two and three palyas,
SUTRA 30 STUTETT: 11 30 11
Tathottarah. (The condition of things is the same in the north (of mount