Second Chapter
Hellish, celestial and immobile beings have a covered nucleus. The feta, Vikalatraya. i. e. from 2 to 4 sensed beings have an opencovered nucleus.
The different combinations of these yonis yield 8400000, gift, yonis as follows:
facara 1a, Nitya negoda, souls which have never yet come out of a condition of common vegetables; where many souls occupy one body, as a potato : Their yonis are
7,00,000 rac fait, Itaranigoda, souls which have gone back to migod
7,00,000 geát falfa, earth-bodied, 7997 . water-bodied; # 9. fire-bodied, and are affi, air-bodied, all four each 7,00,000
28,00,000 an efa Pifer, Vegetables, (Trees, etc.) except nigoda. 10,00,000
For 1419 sthavaras sould
, fattan, 2 sensed „fi, , 3 , ,,a2, 4 „97,, 5 , animals » » » 5 , human beings ..
celestial beings STTE.liellish liter
200000 200000 200000 400000 1400000 400000 40001)
29.7. TI ---
Jarayujandajapotanam garbhah. Uterine birth (1s of 3 kinds.)
FOYA, Jarayuja, Umbilical (Birth in a yolk, sack, flesh envelope, like a human child)
90T3, Andaja, Incubatory. (Birth from a shell like an egg.)
uta, Pota, Unumbilical. (Birth without any sack or shell, like a cub of a lion or a kitten.)