Second Chapter
SUTRA 4 ज्ञानदर्शनदानलाभभोगोपभोगवीर्याणि च ||४|| Jnanadarsanadanalabha bhogopabhogaviryani cha.
(The nine kınds are:) Knowledge, conation, charity, gain, enjoyment, re-enjoyment, power and belief and conduct).
1 erfarne a (Kshayikajnana), Destructive, purified, or perfect knowledge due to the destruction of knowledge obscuring (Inanavarniya) Karmas.
2.giferi a (Kshayıkadarshana), Destructive, purified or perfect conation due to the destruction of the Karmas which obscure it, 1 e, of zal unta Darshana-varniya Karmas.
3. 777 479 (Ksha yıkadana) Destructive or purified charity Bestowal of fearlessness etc due to destruction or purification caused by destruction of charity-obstructive Karmas, e. g: the soul's, capacity of removing from all living beings, all kinds of apprehension of any veil as proceeding from himself. It is caused by the destruction of all Karmas, TARTU Danantraya, which obetruct the exercise of this capacity
4. Fifa 14 (Kshayrkalabha), Destructive or purified gain. Infinite gain due to purification caused by the destruction of all Labhantaraja or gain obstructive Karmas e. g; a man with perfect knowledge (1. e ft omniscient Kevalt) always assimilates the molecules of fine quasikarmic, matter
5. 4 m (Ksha yıka bhoga). Destructive or purified enjoyment Infinite attainment of consumable objects due to purification caused by the destruction of all 7718712 Bhogantaraya or enjoymentobstructive-Karmas This becomes the cause of miraculous manifestations such as the shower of flowers, by celestial beings etc
6. 5 374121 (Kshayiraupabhoga). Destructive or puufied re-enjoyment Infinite attainment of nonconsumable objects due to purification cuased by the desti uction of all 397 119 Upabhogantaraya, re-enjoyment obstructive Karma. This becomes the cause of the miraculous throne, canopy etc; etc.
7. faxi 4 (Ksah yıkavır ya) Destructive or purified power, Infinite power due to purification caused by the destruction of all oftalar4 Viryantai a ya or power-obstructive Karmas.
. 8. inferta Forma (Kshayrka Samyakıva). Destructive, Purified or perfect-right-belief 1. e; perfect' belief due to the destruction of three sorts of right-belief-deluding Karmas (i. e; of Karmas causing