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Tatvartha Snum
Non-verbal scriptural knowledge is derived from all kinds of sensitive knowledge except those kinds which can be reduced to words written or spoken You feel cold an, the knowledge of coldness is sensitive knowledge by means of touch of the skin. If you do not lıke it and infer that it is unpleasant, it is non-verbal scriptural knowledge. It is derived from your knowledge or feeling of cold, which cannot be reduced to a mete word, written or spoken.
Verbal scriptural knowledge is possible only in rational beings. All the irrationals have only non-verbal scriptural knowledge Their sensitive knowledge also is confined to perception (Avagraha) by all the 5 senses escept the eye
The rationals have non-verbal scriptural knowledge also.
Verbal scriptural knowledge is also called Shabdajnana or Shabdaja. produced by words. Non-verbal scriptural knowledge is also called Lingajamya or Lingaja produced by signs (Gomnatasara, Juva Kanda, Gatha 314)
The knowledge of a Shruta (aria) may be of things which are contained in the Angas (Sacred books of the Jainas) or of things outside thc Angos There are 64 root letters of the alphabet or representations of sounds. Of these 33 are consonats, 27 vowel, (e. 1. slight, long and prolonged, 3 kinds of cach of thc 6 vowels, and mixed Sounds, anusrara visarga kh hkh hp hph ) which help in the formation of Compound letters ). The total number of possible combinations of these 64 simple letters into Compound of 2,3,4, or more urto are the letters (Simple and Compound) of Shrutu in its entirety This letters in a middle foot (PAITA ) of the Paramagama gives.us the number of reet Padas 9 of the Ancas, as 11, 28, 35, 80, 500 The 1emameder 8. 10 80, 175 gives us the letters of that part of Shruta which is not contained in the angas. This part is divided into 14 Prakırnaka, such as Dasa, Varkalika Uttaradhayan &. c
SUTRA 21 Tragisafadania 117811 Bhava pratyayoavadhir deva narakanam. Birth-born visual knowledge (is in-born) in celestial an! hellish beings.
The Dravyas are 6; site, germa, sf, ppt, wir sikrer