Tatvarka sutram
(1) ara mata Nama mikshepa, name or negative aspect, that 18 the name is attributed for the mere naming of the object which does not possess the qualities connoted by the name. As a man may be called King or Smith even if he is neither a king nor a smith.
(2) asunn farete Sthapana nikshepa, representative aspect. Representation of one thing by another. e. &, installation of Lord Mahavira in a marble or diamond image. Or in Algebra, taking X to be equal to so and so. The first is called aitama 1, Tadakara sthapana or F3 Sadbhavo, i. e., the representative and the represented are similar in figure, the other is $40 €7971, Atadakara sthapana or TEKUR Asad-bhava, i, e., the representative bears no resemblance to what is represented. Such representation of the US Arhats (the Adored ones ) is not allowed in this atient, Hunda Avasarpini, the aeon of decrease in which there are special features of decrease . g., birth of a daughter to a dica Torthankara, etc
(3) they for the Dravya nikshepa privative aspect. The absence of an attribute in a aubject which it possessed in the past or must possess in the future, the attributing of a name, the qualities of which one does not possess now, although one possessed them in the past or is sure to possess them in the future. e. g., a Dowager queen may still be called queen, and a dethroned monarch may be called a king after deposition also, and a President-elect may well be called the President.
Take the Professor of Surgery :--
(1) He is dining. He knows Surgery but is not attentive to it now. To call him Professor of Surgery is MAXR faaa, Agama Dra. vya Nahksepa.
(2) But if we think of his body only, then we bave a part Prie No Agama dravya Nikhsep2.
0.8, (1) 75 pctc, Inayaka Sarira.
(i) He is asleep. To call his body, the Professor of Surgery is 34777, Vartmana.
(ii) He has ceased to be Professor of Surgery and has become a baker. To call his body, the Frofescor of Surgery, till his death, is sara, Anagata.
(iii) He dies and is in his coffin. To call the body, the Professor of Surgry is ajt, Atita.