Nineth Chapter
155 4. kar 14, Svadhyaya, Study. 5. pyren", Vyutsarga, Giving up attachment to the body, etc
19, Dhyana, Concentration
SUTRA 21 नवचतुर्दशपञ्चद्विमेदा यथाक्रम प्रारध्यानात् ॥ २१ ॥ Navahcaturdashapanchadvibhedayathakramam
(The per 79, Internal austerities) previous to 4217, Concentration (are respectively of ) 9, 4, 10, 5, and 2 kinds.
SUTRA 22 आलोचनाप्रतिक्रमगतदुभयविवेकव्युत्सर्गतपश्छेद परिहारोपस्थापना : ।। २२ ।। Alochanapratikramanatadubhayavivekavyutsarga
paschheda pariharopasthapanah. (The 9 kinds of sea, expiation are 1. atan, Alochana, Full and voluntary confession to the head
of the order
Sfato, Pratikramana, Self-analysis and repentance for faults 3 ag44, Tadubhayu, Doing both 4 7,Vryeka, Giving up a much-beloved object as a particular
food or drink. 5. ", V yutsarga,Giving up attachment to the body 6. 79, Tapa, Austerities of a particular kind prescribed in a
penance. 7. 7. Chheda. Cutting short the standing of a saint by way of
oftere, Parihara Rustication for some time. 9 3479998, Upasthapana, Fresh re-admission, atter expulsion
trom the order Any of the above 9 penances is prescribed by the Head, according to the transgression in ? particular case
SUTRA 23 5776177177925TT 1122 11
Jnanadarshanacharitropacharah. (fama Reverence is of 4 kinds:)