अध्याय आठवां CHAPTER V111
SUTRA 1. मिथ्यादर्शनाविरतिप्रमादकषाययोगा बन्धहेतवः ॥ १॥ Mithyadarshanaviratipramadakasayayoga bandha
hetavah. The causes of (H) Bandha or bondage are . 1. Ya Mithyadarshana, wrong belief. It is of 5 kinds : (1) Ekanta. Taking only one aspect of a many-sided
thing e.g man is mortal and un-mortal, regarded from the point of view of body and soul respectively. Taking
only one view is Ekanta. (2) faasta Viparita, perverse belief, eg animal sacrifices lead
to heaven (3) siera Samshaya, Doubt, scepticism, hesitation, e.g, as to
path to Liberation. (4) Party Vinaya, Veneration. Taking all religions and gods to
be equally worthy of pursuit (5) a Ajnana. Wrong belief caused by ignorance. Indisc
rimination of good and bad. It is caused by faen, Nisarga, inborn error, or by sfinta Adhigama, preach
ing of another. The last is of 4 kinds Prima Kriyavadi, belief in time, soul, etc, as causing every
thing in the world. offriat Akriyavadi, opposite of the last. anfare Ajnanika, Agnostic. #afort Vaineyika, Religion is identical with veneration of
parents, king, etc, e.g., Confucianism. All these four together form 363 varieties of wrong belief(or
wave),i.e., 180, 84, 67 and 32 respectively. निसान Nisargaya is also clled अग्रहीत Agrahita , अधिगमज
Adhigamaja, aga Grahita. (2) farfa Avirati, vowlessness. Non-renunciation. It is of 12 kinds :