Tatvartha Sutram
SUTRA 6 तीवमन्दज्ञाताज्ञातभावाधिकरणवीर्यविशेषेभ्यस्तद्विशेषः ॥ ६ ॥
The differences in inflow (in different souls caused by the same activity arise) from differences in (the following :)
(1) farina, Intensity of desire or thought-activity. (4) HTT, Mildness.
maa, Intentional character (of the act.) (4) 1979, Unintentional character (of the act.) (5) sfortu, Dependence. (6) a. (one's own position and) power (to do the act.)
SUTRA 7 प्रधिकरण जीवाऽजीवा: ॥ ७ ॥
Adhikaranam jivaajivah. The "Dependence" (relates to the souls (and) the non-souls.
SUTRA 8 प्राद्य सरम्भसमारम्भयोगकृतकारितानुमतकषायविशेष
स्त्रिस्त्रिस्त्रिश्चतुश्चैकशः ॥ ८ ॥ Adyam samrambhasamarambhayogakritakaritanumatakasaya
vishesaistristristrishchatushchaikashah. The first oftafiu, (1, e., dependence on the souls is of 108) kınds (due to differences (in the following :)
1. 9774, Samrambha, Determination (to do a thing.) 2. AATT**, Samarambha, Preparation (for it), 2. e., collecting ma
terials for it. 3. 4, Arambha, commencement (of it.)
(These) three (can be done by the) (three tha yogas, (. e., activity of mind, body and speech, thus there are 3x3 = 9 kınds. Each one of the 9 kinds can be done in three (ways, 1. e.,) by doing oneself, or having it done by others, or by approval or acquiescence. (Thus we get 27 kinds. Each one of the 27 may be due to) the 4 Passions. (That gives us 27/4 = 108 kinds. Thus the Jain rosary has 108 beads one for each of these 108 Jivadhikaranas.