should be studied along with the Jaina Vividhatirthakalpa which is not included in the canon. The lives of Kala, ten sons of Seniya and others have been narrated in the Nirayāvalī. Of the Prakirṇakas the Caüsarana consists of 63 verses in Prakrit dealing with the six essential daily duties and four refuges. Its authorship is ascribed to Virabhadra. The Ganivijja is a work on astrology. Of the six Ceya suttas, the Nisiha serves as a guide to the Jain monks and nuns as it contains rules governing their life. The relationship between the preceptor and his disciples has been discussed among other things in the Mahānisīha. The lavahara discusses what the Jain saints should avoid and what they should undertake. The qualities of an ācārya and an upadhyāya are also noted in it. Of the Mulasuttas the Pimdanijjutti deals with the pious life and subjects of discipline. Bhadrabahu was its author. Besides these a detailed treatment of some important texts of the Jain canon has been made in the following pages.