the world of men. Clairvoyance can be acquired by all beings possessed of mind, and thought-reading can be acquired by saints through supernatural powers. The object of clairvoyance is gross, that of thought-reading, subtle.
Full clairvoyance knows one atom and simple thoughtreading knows an infinitesimal part of an atom. Doubt is possible in knowledge derived through the senses but it is not possible in clairvoyance. There may be an error in clairvoyance. Wrong knowledge is due to the confusion of cause and effect.
Six druvyas or substances are soul (jīvu), matter (pudgulu), motion (dharma), rest (udhurma), space (ūkāsı), and time (kāla).
The nine padārthus or nine principal terms of the doctrine are the following:-Life (java), non-living (ajīvu), merit (punya)" and demerit (pāpu), influx (ūsravu), bondage (bandha), stoppage of influx (sumvuru), relinquishment (nir. jarā) and liberation (moksa).
The six kinds of embodied souls are:--Earth-bodied, water-bodied, fire-bodied, air-bodied, vegetable-bodied (vanaspati kāyikrı), and mobile (tra.sakāyika).
The six colour affections (leśyā) 2 are:-Black (krsnu), blue (nila), grey (kāpotu), yellow (padma), pink (leja), and white (śukla).
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1 Punya and Pūpa. The actions which lead to the good karma which brings peace of inind are called punya. It is of many kinds: mnnu punya (mcrit acquired by giving food to the deserving people); pūnapunya (merit acquired by giving wator to the thirsty); vastrapunyu (merit acquired by giving clothes to the poor, especially to the monks); layana-punya (nierit acquired by building or lending a house to a monk); snyanapunya (merit acquired by providing seats and beds); manapunya (merit acquired by thinking well of every one); kāyapunya (merit acquired by saving a life or rendering service); vicanupunya (merit acquired by speaking without hurting anybody's feelings); and namaskārapunya (inerit acquired by reverent salutations).
There are various kinds of pāpa or sin: jiva-himsā (to take any life) is the most heinous of all crimes according to the Jains. Sins are also acquired by speaking falsehood (asatya or mrşāvāda), dishonesty, unchastity, covetousness, anger, conceit, attachment and avarice.
2 Cf. Sūtrakstanga, I. 10.15; Uttarādhyayana, XXXIV.
Kroņa leśyā is the worst of the three bad omotions colouring soul. Nilut lesyā, this omotion is less ovil than the last. Kapota (grey) leéyū may lead men to do evil. A man under its command becomes crooked in thought and deed.
Teja lcáyā removes all evil thoughts froin the jīva under its sway.
Padma lesyā is a good emotion; through its power a man controls anger, pride, deceit and avarico.
Sukla lesyā—when a man is under its influence, love and hatred disappoar.
Thore are three bad omotions and threo good emotions--black, blue and grey are the three bad emotions; yellow, pink and white are the three good emotions.