covered, tarnished, confounded or confused by any cause or factor. Bhavasthas are the persons who are in different stages of spiritual progress. Their position appears to be similar to that of the Buddhist uriyapuggalus occupying seven spiritual ranks below that of an arhat or elect. Caramasamayasiddha is evidently the same word as the Pāli Caramabhaviku. The siddhas are all arhats. The perfect knowledge in the case of the siddhas is broadly distinguished as immediate (ananturu) or gradual (param para). From the classification of kevaluñāna it appears that the Jains and the Buddhists alike kept before them a distinction between tīrthakaras or sayambuddhasiddhas on the one hand, and pratyekabuddhas and buddhabodhitas or srāva kabuddhas on the other. Through kevalañāņa Jainism aimed at the attainment of a kind of unaided knowledge by which omniscience could be gained. Whether this knowledge is arrived at through any discursive process of thought or intuitional is still a problem to be solved. But from its description it appears that whether its mode is intuitional or not, it is so much articulated that it cali operate maided, umobstructed, and unlimited.