married Yasodā, a Ksatriya lady. A daughter was born to them, named Anojjā or Priyadarśanā. It is interesting to note that Mahāvīra wore clothes for about the first thirteen months.2 The Kulpasūtra informs us that Mahāvīra was a mere teacher during the first 12 years of his monklood and that in the second year he became a naked monk. According to the Bhagavati süfra he received Gosāla Mankhaliputta as a disciple at Nālandā. They lived in concord for six years after which they separated on account of a doctrinal difference. Gosāla pre-deceased Mahāvīra by sixteen years. Mahāvīra spent six years in Paniyabhūmi. At the age of forty-two he became a Jina, a Kevalin (omniscient). He know and saw all conditions of the worlds of gods, men and demons: whence they come, whither they go, whether they are born as men or animals, or become gods or infernal beings according to their deeds.3 During the thirty years of his career as a teacher he spent twelve rainy seasons in Vaiśāli and Vānijagrāma, fourteen in Rājagrha and the suburb of Nālandā, six in Mithilā, two in Bhadrikā, one in Ālavikā, one in Pranitabhūmi, onc in Srāvasti and one in the town of Pāvā.4 He died in the town of Pāvā cutting asunder the ties of birth, decay and cleath. From the Kalpasūtra it is clear that since Mahāvīra. renounced the life of a householder, he spent forty-two rainy seasons in different places. The Kalpasūtru list is so worded as to suggest an idea of succession as regards the places where Mahāvīra spent forty-two rainy seasons since he had renounced the world. The idea of succession is suggested by such expressions as 'first rainy season in Asthigrāma' and last rainy season in Pāpā or Pāvā. Taken in order the places stand in the list as follows:
1. Asthigrāma—first rainy season. 2. Campā and Prișticampā-next three rainy seasons. 3. Vaiśāli and Vānijagrāma-next twelve rainy seasons. 4. Rājagsha and Nālandā-next fourteen rainy seasons. 5. Mithila--next six rainy seasons.
Bhadrikā-next two rainy seasons. 7. Alabhikā--next one rainy season. 8. Panitabhūmi-next one rainy season. 9. Srāvasti-next one rainy season. 10. Pāpā-last rainy season (Vide B. C. Law, Mahāvīra :
His Life and Teachings, p. 32). 1 B. C. Law, Mahavira : His Life and Teachings, p. 21. ? Kulpasūtru, $117.
3 Juinu Sūtras, I, pp. 263-64; k'alpusūtrai, $12): 80-devunianuyusurussa log(1880 pariyāyam jānai pusai, nuruu-lo. sarvmu-jiranum ūgaim gaim thiim cavanam urunyam.... 4 Kalpasitra, $122.
• Jaina Sūtras, 1, p. 264.