Dravya, 61, 95, 108, 164, 255. Dravya ahimsā, 117. Dravya hiṁsā, 117 Dravyānuyoga, 16. Dreams, the fourteen, 22 ff. Dridhaketu, 276. Dristiki āśrava, 142. Dristivāda Anga, 15. Dudhapāka, 195. Duganchā, 136. Duhsamā, see Duşama. Duppasahasūri, 275. Durbhaga, 138. Duşama, 163, 275, 276. Duşama Dusama, 275, 276. Duşama Suşama, 26, 51, 274,
276. Dusvara, 138. Duties of monks and nuns, 151 ff.,
228 ff. Dvaipāyana, 277. Dvārakā, 112, 277. Dveşa, 128 ff. Dvesikī āśrava, 143. Dvindriya, see Be-indriya. Dvīpa Kumāra, 269.
Famine, the great, 10, 70 ff. Fasting, 31, 32 n., 39, 253, 259 ff. Fasts, see Festivals. Fatalism, 60, 73, 185. Fatherhood of God, 128, 192. Faultfinding, see Nindā. Fear, see Bhaya. Feeding ceremony, 195. Female division of jīva, 96. Female Tirthankara, 56, 122. Fergusson, Dr. J., 280. Festivals, 259 ff. Ficus religiosa, 53. Fifth-day ceremonies, 193. Fifteenth-day ceremonies, 194. Fire, 98, 99. Five faults, 205 ff. Five Great Ones, the, see Panca
Parameśvara. Five, Salutation to the, 187, 229,
258. Flemish art, 281. Flowers in Worship, Use of, see
Puspa pūjā. Food, 138, 148, 213, 219, 258. Forgiveness, 126 n., 259 f., 290,
292. Form, see Pudgaļāstikāya. Fruit, 99, 252. - Offering of, see Phala pūjā. Führer, Dr., 280. Full-moon fasts, 261. Funeral ceremonies, 203 ff. Gabhāro (or shrine), 281 ; see also
Temple Worship. Gaċċhäčāra, 15. Gajapurī, 56. Gaņa, 65. Ganadeva, 80 n. Ganadhara, 61, 65, 66. Gãndharva, 269. Gāndhi, Mr., 205 n. Ganga, 73. Ganges, river, 275. Ganividyā, 15. Ganivijaya, 15. Garaniji, see Nuns. Gardabbila, 75, 76. Gargarişi, 82. Gati, 176, 182, 228, 251, 274. Gautama Indrabhūti, 40, 44, 50,
61, 65, 68, 127, 248.
Eka Siddha, 171. Ekāntavādin, 91. Ekatva bhāvanā, 158. Ekendriya jīva, 97, 104, 105,
Ekendriya nāma, 136. Elephant, 51. Elephant of pride, the, 152. Elūrā, 281. Emotion, 102. Endurance, Ways of, see Parisaha. Enmity, see Dvesa. Envy, 103, 128. Epigraphy, 85. Eşaņā samiti, 145, 234. Eschatology, 169ff., 268 ff., 293. Eternity of the world, 272 ff. Ethics, Jaina, 122, 131, 297. Evening Worship, 258. Evil eye, 264. Evil spirits, 265f. Excommunication, 211 n., 240. Extension of Jainism, 9 ff. Faith, 229, 248, 254. - false, see Mithyātva. - Right, 245 ff., 262.