is contradicted by our own experience inasmuch as the sensations of pleasure or pain are limited to the dimensions of the physical body.
The argument, that the soul will become perishable if it is not accepted as all pervading or of the small size like the seed of a bunyan tree, is unsound, since all objects are perishable from the viewpoint of modifications and that all are permanent from the stand-point of substance. One must upderstand that this embodied-soul is body-sized, therefore when he wants to concentrate his mind upon the self, he should not adopt unreal and imaginary outlook. Small error regarding the object of concentration will be a great hurdle and real impe. diment in spiritual advancement. The essence of all teachings and preachings is that the tranquillity of mind should not be disturbed by attachment or aversion. Outward possessions disturb the mental equipoise due to attachment, therefore al objects along with longings for them should be abandoned. The ascetic should rivet his sole attention upon his soul which is conscious and blissful. Adverse Time factor
The present cycle of time is a great handicap for pure Self-contemptation. This is the fifth arc (spoke) of the 'Ava-Sarpinikala', the arc of descent called 'Dukhama'- the period, where misery is the lot of the majority. In this age the physical frail frame is not fit to updertake the great strain of superb asceticism required for final liberation. The