or ignorance some people bold one-sided view as whole truth. This misconception leads them astray and far away from reality . . .
Right betief and Right knowledge are conteporaneous, yet they are related as cause and effect e g. lamp and fight go together, still light is the effect of the lamp and lamp is the cause of the light. Substance
It must be borne in mind that every subs. tance is characterized by infinite attributes. It is possessed of origination, destruction and permanence. From one point of view substance is permanent; while from other point of view it is not permanent but perishable. There is no contra. diction in these predications. As a milkmaid obtains butter out of curd by drawing one side of the rope and loosening the other side, similarly one attribute becomes essential from a particular point of view and then other attributes become secondary. From the stand-point of modifications substance is transitory, but from the viewpoint of its qualities it is imperishable. The wise cautiously holds judicious and balanced approach to reality and truth Right Conduct
The third important factor for liberation is Right conduct. Some maintain that mere knoweldge of truth will free the soul from the thraldom of karmas. This view is incorrect. A person in chains cannot get his freedom as long as his shackles are