It is easy to talk about the control of passions and the way to concentrate upon the self; but the important and crucial point is; how to achieve the objective ?
It has been observed in the sacred Jain scriptures that for concentration of mind one is required to abandon all possessions, to control anger, abandon conceit, deceit and avarice, to practise complete vows of non-injury, truth, nonstealing, celibacy, non-covetousness, and to subjugate all the senses and mental activities. Without these observances and complete renunciation the illuminating discourse on concentration has no meaning and significance.
Monk Mahavira carefully observed the tenfold virtues, i. e. supreme torbearance, modesty, straight-forwardness, non-covetousness, honesty, self-restraint, austerity, renunciation, non-attachment and celibacy. All his activities and movements never violated his sublime vow of non-injury and universal brotherhood.
He did not walk during the night with a view to keep his vow of non-injury unassailed. True to his name (a great hero) he moved all over the world whether it is a ferocious forest infested with wild beasts or a cemetery without any hitch or fear. He did not mind the inclemecy of weather. During the hottest scorching summer he performed his