it is salutary shelter for distressed and disgusted souls. Acharya' Ravishena in Padma Purana observes.
ATTT-ryat afreturi
STARTTAATTEE afrit To Watt The Truth expounded by Jina (Victor) is the sacred refuge for orphans, deserted, distitutes and much distressed persons.
Ancient history of India bears testimony that the subjects enjoyed peace and unbounded prosperity when the land was ruled by Jain monarchs like Chandra Gupta Maurya, Kharvela, Amoghavarsha, Kumarpala etc. Hence the words of Ravisena are pregnant with meaning and truth.
The mental make-up of a cultured and devout Jain is reflected in this verse.
खामेमि सव्वजीवाणं सव्वे जीवा खमंतु मे।
मित्ती मे सव्वभूदेसु वैरं मन्झंण केण वि ।। I extend forgiveness towards all living beingsand pray them to excuse me ( for my faults and lapses). I cherish fratenal feels towards all creatures and I bear no animosity for any one.
Acharya Kunda kunda says that Imavani, the sermon of saviour, Mahavira is verily a medicine which if administered properly bestows spiritual health to the sick soul. These words are remarkable : forsetanus stere-fooi fanarya-forta-frame
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