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most authentic, informative and illuminatiog 'work and was the recipient of a prize in the memory of 2500th Mahavira Nirvana celebrations. He was also awarded a Gold Medal, a Certificate (Prashashtipatra) and a shawl at the hands of Shri Kedarnath Sabani, the Mayor of Delhi in the presence of Shri Mohanlal Sukhadiya, Governor of Karnataka, Sabu Shanti Prasad Jain and distinguished gatheirng assembled on the eve of Mahavira Jayanti held in the year 1974.
Shri Diwaker is so simple and unassuming that it is rather difficult to say from a distance that in this frail frame resides a great soul and master-mind, who has rendered memorable service for the cause of sacred Jaia literature and human welfare.
He had worked for several years as the honorary Secretary of All India Jain Political Rights Preservation Committee to safeguard the legitimate rights of all Jains. At present he is the Secretary of All India Digambar Jain Mahasabha (Cultural Affairs). He is also the Vice-President of the Mahasabha. In its plenary session at Gauhati the Mahasabha had conferred upon Shri Diwaker the title of Vidwat Ratna (The Jewel of scholars ). His Holiness Acharya ShantiSagarji Maharaj, in consultation with the Jains of all India, pleased to bless him with the title of "Dharma Diwaker", at Sholapur. It is worthy of aote that Shri Diwakor is always remembered when any function of National or International importance is scheduled to take place. He had ably represented Jainism in the World Religion Congregation held in Japan (Shimizu City) in 1956 and many other important places. Shri Diwaker was in close touch with reputed world figures like Bertrand Russell, Vigoba Bhave, Dr. Radhakrishnan etc. Shri Diwaker has translated and edited several