1'8's hé has got ötödisčidace and boundless joyd although his very life devoted to the servitude of senses and worldly pursuits falsifies his assertion. All-knowing Jinendra says that from the practical point of view that one sided approach is incorrect. Look at the entire universe and.cast aside the wrong approach.
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' **94827 företagetetur safer 119€61 . There are infinite souls who bave never so far attained the condition of mobiles. Being thickly beset with impure thought activities, they do not leave the residenee in Nigoda (where the Jivas have only sense of touch only. ) एकणिगोद सरीरे जीवा दब्बापमाणदो दिट्ठा।
सिद्धेहि अणंसगुणा सवेण वित्तीदकालेण ॥१९६॥ From the substance point of view the number of souls in one Nigoda body seen ( by the Ompiscient ) are infinite times the number of all liberated souls and the number of instants of all past time. ( Gommatsara Jivakanda 197; 196 gathas. )
We are living in an age of world bewitching and horrifying inventions. In this respect the observations of Gommatsara are startling :fa9-387-95-963-jafar faqatu
जा खलु पवट्टइ मई मइ-अण्णाति णं वेंति ॥३०३।। The intelligence, which, without the instrumentality of (any one's ) teaching, makes ( one proficient ) in poisons, mechanical devices, nets, traps, and loops etc ( for capturing elephants,