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हिंडदि पारमपारं संसारं मोहसंछण्णो ॥७५॥
The soul which is thus the agent of its own karma and enjoyer of the fruits thereof, as conditioned by its own karma gets blinded by the veil of ignorance and roams about in the world of Samsara which is limited for the faithful (Bhavya) and unlimited for the unfaithful (Abhavya jiva).
It must be noted that because of the contact with material karmas the Jiva migrates in the universe and reaps the fruits of its psychic accumulations.
The Jain approach is different from Samkhya, who does pot hold the Purusha (soul) as the responsible factor of its activities. The view of the Omniscients according to Kundkunda is :
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ण दु afer खलु कत्ता ण विणा भूदा दु कत्तारं ।। ६६ ॥ Bhava or emotional states are conditioned by matter (Dravyakarma ). And this Dryavya karma in its turn is indeed conditioned by Bhava or karmic thought. Soul is not the essential cause in that case and still without essential cause those changes cannot happen.
This point must be borne in mind that Jiva is the essential cause of karmic thought, the emotional states of desire etc., and karmic matter is the essential cause of the changes in karmic matter, i. e, the changes in each case form an independent series and yet the two are corresponding and